
Mitigating malware and ransomware attacks

How to defend organisations against malware or ransomware attacks
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This guidance helps private and public sector organisations deal with the effects of malware (which includes ransomware). It provides actions to help organisations prevent a malware infection, and also steps to take if you're already infected.

Following this guidance will reduce:

  • the likelihood of becoming infected
  • the spread of malware throughout your organisation
  • the impact of the infection

If you've already been infected with malware, please refer to our list of urgent steps to take

For advice on minimising potential harm smaller organisations should refer to the NCSC's Small Business Guide. For information about protecting your devices at home, please read our guidance especially written for individuals and families.

What are malware and ransomware?

Malware is malicious software, which - if able to run - can cause harm in many ways, including:

  • causing a device to become locked or unusable
  • stealing, deleting or encrypting data
  • taking control of your devices to attack other organisations
  • obtaining credentials which allow access to your organisation's systems or services that you use
  • 'mining' cryptocurrency
  • using services that may cost you money (e.g. premium rate phone calls).

Ransomware is a type of malware that prevents you from accessing your computer (or the data that is stored on it). The computer itself may become locked, or the data on it might be stolen, deleted or encrypted. Some ransomware will also try to spread to other machines on the network, such as the Wannacry malware that impacted the NHS in May 2017.

Usually you're asked to contact the attacker via an anonymous email address or follow instructions on an anonymous web page, to make payment. The payment is invariably demanded in a cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin, in order to unlock your computer, or access your data. However, even if you pay the ransom, there is no guarantee that you will get access to your computer, or your files.

Occasionally malware is presented as ransomware, but after the ransom is paid the files are not decrypted. This is known as wiper malware. For these reasons, it's essential that you always have a recent offline backup of your most important files and data.

Should you pay the ransom?

Law enforcement do not encourage, endorse, nor condone the payment of ransom demands. If you do pay the ransom:

  • there is no guarantee that you will get access to your data or computer
  • your computer will still be infected
  • you will be paying criminal groups
  • you're more likely to be targeted in the future

Attackers will also threaten to publish data if payment is not made. To counter this, organisations should take measures to minimise the impact of data exfiltration. The NCSC's guidance on Protecting bulk personal data and the Logging and protective monitoring guidance can help with this.

Using a defence in depth strategy

Since there's no way to completely protect your organisation against malware infection, you should adopt a 'defence-in-depth' approach. This means using layers of defence with several mitigations at each layer. You'll have more opportunities to detect malware, and then stop it before it causes real harm to your organisation.

You should assume that some malware will infiltrate your organisation, so you can take steps to limit the impact this would cause, and speed up your response.

Actions to take

There are some actions you can take to help prepare your organisation from potential malware and ransomware attacks.

Steps to take if your organisation is already infected

If your organisation has already been infected with malware, these steps may help limit the impact:

  1. Immediately disconnect the infected computers, laptops or tablets from all network connections, whether wired, wireless or mobile phone based.
  2. In a very serious case, consider whether turning off your Wi-Fi, disabling any core network connections (including switches), and disconnecting from the internet might be necessary.
  3. Reset credentials including passwords (especially for administrator and other system accounts) - but verify that you are not locking yourself out of systems that are needed for recovery.
  4. Safely wipe the infected devices and reinstall the OS.
  5. Before you restore from a backup, verify that it is free from any malware. You should only restore from a backup if you are very confident that the backup and the device you're connecting it to are clean.
  6. Connect devices to a clean network in order to download, install and update the OS and all other software.
  7. Install, update, and run antivirus software.
  8. Reconnect to your network.
  9. Monitor network traffic and run antivirus scans to identify if any infection remains.

The NCSC has jointly published an advisory: Technical Approaches to Uncovering and Remediating Malicious Activity, which provides more detailed information about remediation processes.


Files encrypted by most ransomware typically have no way of being decrypted by anyone other than the attacker. However, the No More Ransom Project provides a collection of decryption tools and other resources from the main anti-malware vendors, which may help.

Further advice

There's plenty of further reading and services that can help you protect your organisation from malware and ransomware attacks.

  1. Report

    Cyber security incidents can be reported to the NCSC by visiting We also encourage reporting to the Action Fraud website.

  2. Cyber Incident Response

    The NCSC runs a commercial scheme called Cyber Incident Response, where certified companies provide support to affected organisations.

  3. CiSP

    The Cyber Security Information Sharing Partnership (CiSP) offers organisations in the UK a safe portal in which to discuss and share intelligence that can assist the community and raise the UK's cyber resilience. We encourage our members to share technical information and indicators of compromise so that the effects of new malware, particularly ransomware, can be reduced.

  4. Cyber Essentials

    You may also wish to consider the Cyber Essentials certification scheme (which covers a number of these mitigations), so your customers and partners can see that you have addressed these risks. Many of these mitigations also work well against other types of attack, such as phishing.

  5. Additional guidance

    Follow the NCSC guidance on protecting your organisation from phishing attacks.

    Larger organisations / enterprises should refer to the NCSC's Device Security Guidance.