Active Cyber Defence
CYBERUK 2018 in Manchester
Gus, CEO of Kentish Town City Farm
Industry 100 - Natascha
CyberFirst Girls Competition Final
Dr. Rachel O'Connell, CEO of Trust Elevate
CyberFirst - Annarose
CyberFirst - Megan
CyberFirst - Neve
CyberFirst - Prisha
CyberFirst - Repheala
CyberFirst - Sekina
Cyber Accelerator - Dr. Rachel O'Connell
Cyber Accelerator - Dr. Rachel O'Connell
CYBERUK - Ciaran Martin
CYBERUK - Mark Ryland
South Wales ROCU - Warren Davies
Small Business Guide
Year 2 Highlights
Almost all programming languages provide a element called an array. An array is a data structure, which can store a fixed-size collection of elements of the same data type.
Our CyberFirst students have been learning about arrays and their role in cryptography. A cryptographic algorithm, or cipher, is a mathematical function used in the encryption and decryption process. A fundamental part of the decryption process is being able to resolve characters using sets of decrypted numerical values, each value represents a character’s location within a standardised array.
In Python we might declare an array of random characters like this:
random_array = ['Z','(','4','I','N','W','2','G','3','S','(','X','R','2','V','Y','A','P','F','7','T','N','3',')','B','D','K','J','V','O','K','M','R','5','F','W','V','Z','@','O','Z','I','R','E','D','B','C','S']
We can print a certain letter to the screen in Python using the following command:
print random_array[2]
Which would print the character: '4' (the first element in an array is referenced by 0).
We've hidden a series of numbers within the full report, you'll have to have a keen eye for detail to spot them. The numbers will provide you with positions of characters within the array declared above. When you're ready to crack the code, use the dial below to select the numbers and reveal the secret message - good luck!
In cryptography, encryption is the process of encoding a message or information in such a way that only authorised parties can access it and those who are not authorised cannot. In an encryption scheme, the intended information or message, referred to as plaintext, is encrypted using an encryption algorithm – a cipher – generating ciphertext that can be read only if decrypted. An authorised recipient can easily decrypt the message with the key provided by the originator to recipients but not to unauthorised users.
We're going to show you a basic method of encryption. Early methods of encryption adopted this approach, it's known as a polyalphabetic cipher. During World War 2 Germany developed a machine called the Enigma Machine, this machine was fundamentally a polyalphabetic substitution cipher.
First you'll need to choose a secret number, a cipher key to use:
Government Code and Cypher School (GC&CS) is established with intelligence and security functions
An emergency codebook is issued to national authorities during the General Strike
Alan Turing writes a paper On Computable Numbers, proposing a universal computing machine
The first Colossus computer, the proto-computer, was created for the Newmanry section at Bletchley Park
Single national authority for communications security is established
First use of computers to generate cryptographic-material
Alvis, the first machine of the electronic era, is created and remains the workhorse for secure communications for over 30 years
GCHQ incorporates the Communications-Electronic Security Group (CESG) becoming National Technical Authority for all aspects of cryptology
Public Key Cryptography is conceived by James Ellis at GCHQ
Early malware begins to be discovered at scale. A year later, Elk Cloner spreads beyond the lab it was created in
The Morris Worm computer virus is distributed via the internet, resulting in the creation of the first Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) in the U.S.
The concept of the World Wide Web is created by Sir Tim Berners-Lee
The BRENT Secure Telephone is introduced to provide secure communications across the whole of government
Introduction of the Government Secure Intranet (GSI), connecting UK Government computer networks
The National Cyber Security programme of £860 million is announced to deliver the ‘National Cyber Security Strategy 2011-2016’
The National Crime Agency and its National Cyber Crime Unit is launched
CERT-UK, the national computer emergency response team, is launched
The ‘National Security Strategy 2016– 2021’ is launched, confirming cyber as a top-tier threat to the UK’s economic and national security
The NCSC is created as a ‘one-stop shop’ for cyber security, uniting separate parts of government that had a role in this area, within GCHQ
The NCSC led the UK response to the global outbreak of Wannacry ransomware
The NCSC dealt
with its first 1,000 cyber incidents – a rate of more than 10 per week
GCHQ commences celebrations for its 100th anniversary and launches its second puzzle book to mark the occasion
GCHQ’s centenary events include an exhibition at the Science Museum exploring the science behind keeping the country safe, which opens in summer 2019; and the publication of its first authorised history in autumn 2019